
If you are preparing a manuscript, please start a new box folder and overleaf project. An example project manuscript directory can be downloaded here. Any data used to produce plots within the manuscript should also be included within this folder. I really like this guide on writing a journal article: Whitesides' Group: Writing a Paper. I prefer plots to be plotted using OriginPro, figures using Adobe Illustrator, and videos edited with Adobe Premiere Pro. While this is not a requirement, I think it's worth learning how to use these programs. A list of journals, conferences, and meetings that are related to our work is below.

If you would like to attend a conference or meeting I believe Prof. Majidi provided some of the best advise. He advised we attend conferences/meetings that have a large variety of topics such as MRS or APS. These meetings expose you to a huge range of topics, as compared to IEEE RoboSoft. While at the meeting, he suggested we take at least one day and walk around to the different sessions and attend the sessions that are crowded with standing room only. This is likely a hot new research trend and you have likely missed the initial rush but it may inspire your current research or a new research direction.


  • Nature
  • Nature Materials
  • Nature Physics
  • Nature Nanomaterials
  • Nature Electronics
  • Nature Communications
  • Science
  • Science Robotics
  • Science Advances
  • PNAS
  • Advanced Materials
  • Advanced Functional Materials
  • Advanced Healthcare Materials
  • Advanced Materials Technologies
  • Advanced Engineering Materials
  • Advanced Science
  • ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  • Soft Robotics
  • IEEE Sensors
  • Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL)


  • ICRA
  • IROS
  • RSS
  • IEEE RoboSoft
  • Design of Medical Devices (DMD)
  • ASME international mechanical engineering congress & exposition (IMECE)
  • ASME smart materials, adaptive structures, and intelligent systems (SMASIS)
  • ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers (IDETC)


  • Materials Research Society (MRS)
  • American Physical Society (APS)